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What is a Zabuton Meditation Cushion and How Is It Used

What is a Zabuton Meditation Cushion and How Is It Used

Posted by Jay Suthers on Oct 5th, 2023

zabuton is a rectangular meditation cushion that is typically filled with cotton batting. It is placed on the floor to provide cushioning for the knees, ankles, and feet when sitting cross-legged for long periods of time. Zabutons are often used in conjunction with a zafu, which is a round meditation cushion that is placed on top of the zabuton to elevate the hips and help maintain proper alignment.

Zabutons are especially popular among Zen Buddhists, who have been using them for centuries. However, they are also used by people of other faiths and traditions, as well as by people who simply want a comfortable way to sit on the floor.

Here are some of the benefits of using a zabuton meditation cushion:

  • Comfort: Zabutons provide cushioning for the knees, ankles, and feet, which can make sitting on the floor for long periods of time more comfortable.
  • Support: Zabutons can help to maintain proper alignment of the spine and hips, which can lead to better posture and reduce the risk of discomfort.
  • Stability: Zabutons can provide stability and help to prevent the meditator from slipping or sliding forward.
  • Insulation: Zabutons can insulate the meditator from the cold, hard floor.

Zabutons are typically available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses, so it is important to choose one that is the right size for your body and meditation practice. If you are new to meditation, it is a good idea to start with a thicker zabuton to provide more support. As you become more comfortable, you can switch to a thinner zabuton.

To use a zabuton meditation cushion, simply place it on the floor in a quiet and comfortable place. Then, sit down on the zabuton with your legs crossed in a comfortable position. If you are using a zafu, place it on top of the zabuton. Then sit on the zafu with your legs crossed and resting on the zabuton

Shop for Zabuton Meditation Cushions here.

I hope this is helpful but please let me know if you have any other questions or thoughts.

Sincerely Yours, Jay

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