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Understanding and Managing Anxiety

Understanding and Managing Anxiety

Posted by Jay Suthers on Apr 23rd, 2024

Taming the Tiger: Effective Strategies for Managing Anxiety

Anxiety, that unwelcome visitor that disrupts our peace with worry and fear, affects millions of people worldwide. While occasional anxiety is a normal human response, chronic anxiety can significantly impact daily life. But fear not, there are effective strategies you can employ to manage anxiety and reclaim your sense of calm.

Understanding the Beast:

The first step in managing anxiety is understanding its root cause. Common triggers include:

  • Stress: Work deadlines, financial worries, or relationship issues can all fuel anxiety.
  • Past Experiences: Traumatic events or experiences can leave you feeling vulnerable and anxious.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions can contribute to anxiety symptoms.
  • Genetics: Anxiety disorders can sometimes run in families.

Techniques to Tame the Tiger:

Once you understand your triggers, you can equip yourself with tools to manage anxiety:

  • Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery can activate the body's relaxation response, counteracting the physical effects of anxiety.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT helps identify and challenge negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety.
  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices like meditation can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgment, allowing you to detach from anxious thoughts.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep can all contribute to reduced anxiety levels.
  • Exposure Therapy: This therapy technique involves gradually exposing yourself to your anxiety triggers in a safe and controlled environment.

Seeking Support:

Don't hesitate to seek professional help for managing anxiety. Therapists can provide tailored guidance and support, helping you develop coping mechanisms and create an individualized treatment plan.


Managing anxiety is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, effort, and self-compassion. Celebrate your victories, big and small, and don't be discouraged by setbacks. With consistent effort and the right tools, you can learn to manage your anxiety and live a fulfilling life.

Taking charge of your mental health is an empowering act. By managing your anxiety, you can unlock a world of possibilities and embrace life with greater peace and joy.


My inspiration for writing this blog came from a YouTube video I watch recently by George Dunnet, who bravely shared his experience of managing his own anxiety. It is an insightful share and I hope you will watch it with kindness and respect: How I Stopped Being Anxious the Whole Time

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I hope this is helpful but please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.

Sincerely Yours,

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